Wednesday 10 August 2011

Female Beauty

For health care for the body and the natural beauty of the skin, eyes, hair, nails and bones of a healthy diet. Since each part of the body have different needs for nutrients. While the choice of food can not the beauty of all that is incurable, but the body can be. Here is a guide to selecting the right diet for the health of body and beauty.

Healthy skin is certainly a dream of every man. However, there are often problems of cracking of skin, fat, and visited often. Not to mention the side effects of chronic use of cosmetics. But do not worry, eat the right foods can help keep skin healthy and naturally beautiful.
v Skin
You should be eating for a healthy skin, normal and beautiful, high-protein foods such as yogurt, soy and its derivatives, such as tempeh and tofu, peas, fish, bean sprouts, mushrooms, potatoes, as recommended papaya, guava and strawberry.
Good nutrition for good health and beautiful skin is to decide to eat dried fruits such as avocado, pumpkin, melon, coconut, aloe vera, sesame, sunflower seeds and nuts.
v oily skin
The coconut water, cucumber, lemon, melon, watermelon, peas, egg yolks, milk goats and chicken liver is good nutrition for health and natural beauty of your skin.

Ocular Nutrition
Beautiful eyes are healthy eyes. The heart is assumed that the primary eye nutrition, health and beauty. But to help the nutrients from other foods, health and beauty of your eyes.
• Celery juice can clarify their vision and mint. Especially when every day.
• Vegetables such as spinach, corn, broccoli, tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, bell peppers and squash are necessary to maintain good eye health.
• fruits such as kiwis, oranges, grapefruit (grapefruit is acidic), and dried apricots.
• find the addition of vitamins A, C, E, the main support for eye health and beauty is found in nuts, grains, dairy products and eggs.

Hair Nutrition
For women, the hair is the most beautiful crown. But sometimes, the abuse of the use of shampoos and chemicals to treat the worst murderers, the condition of the hair. Given the proper nutrition of hair, health and beauty.

• Substance copper hair pigmentation requires your natural hair color. Foods rich in copper, seafood, liver, fresh vegetables, beans and meat.

• cream Retin-A and derivatives of vitamin A, highly recommended for the treatment of hair loss. Spinach.Protein vitamin A is found in many fruits and vegetables such as carrots and lay the foundation for healthy hair can be found in meat and seafood

• Consumption of vitamin C and B played a role in the growth of healthy hair. Oranges, lemons and strawberries are rich in vitamin C, in general, and vegetables.

• Vitamin E for skin tissue appears to be good for hair growth. Foods that contain vitamin E are vegetable oils, nuts and liver.

Nails Nutrition
Do not underestimate the conditions of health and beauty of the nail. For healthy nails, strong and beautiful is an important determinant of health and beauty. At the beginning of the nail, fragile

• If your nails become brittle or begin a series of vertical lines, a sign that your body needs more iron. Iron is found mainly in whole grains, liver and green vegetables such as spinach and kale.
Protein is also an important element in strengthening the nails. Meat, fish and cheese is highly recommended, as well as various vegetables and legumes such as peas.

Nutrition for the bone 
If you want strong bones in old age, must be precise and careful in their choice of food. Substances such as calcium, magnesium and vitamin K are most important for bone health. Here is a list of foods that contain all 
 three elements are:

• Eat low-fat yogurt
• cheddar cheese to cover about 30% of daily calcium requirement.
• Milk is the best source of calcium. However, if you're not a fan of milk or lactose, try soy milk.
• Tofu is low in calcium and protein at a time.
• Salmon is one of the best natural sources of vitamin D. Try to eat salmon at least once per week.
• Some are ready to eat cereals with vitamin D, so it is good for strong bones.
• Nuts such as almonds, soy, wheat and vegetables such as spinach can certainly protect your bone health.

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